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AfterLogic WebMail Pro

 AfterLogic Forum : AfterLogic WebMail Pro
Subject Topic: ARIA accessibility for Webmail? Post ReplyPost New Topic
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Joined: 21 November 2019
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Posted: 26 October 2022 at 10:17am | IP Logged Quote tigertech

One of our users reported that Afterlogic Webmail isn't accessible to ARIA-based screen reader software.

This can be seen on, say, a Mac by turning on System Preferences > Accessibility > Voice Control > Enable Voice Control > Overlay "Item Numbers". You'll see that there are no numbered clickable items for many things, including important things like the "New Message" button. This makes it unusable for users who rely on this feature.

This mostly seems to happen because these "buttons" are in "<span>" items, which aren't recognized as clickable by default under ARIA. For example, the "New Message" button is in:

span href="javascript: void(0)" class="button command enable" id="selenium_new_message_button" data-bind="command: $parent.bigButtonCommand"

Simply changing the "span" to "a" makes ARIA recognize it as a clickable item and work properly:

a href="javascript: void(0)" class="button command enable" id="selenium_new_message_button" data-bind="command: $parent.bigButtonCommand"

As with many accessibility things, it looks like this would all be easy relatively easy to fix, but it just hasn't been really tested. Accessibility is becoming more and more important, and it would be great if this could be improved: both Mac and windows have built-in ARIA accessibility options now (like the Mac option described above) so it can easily be tested without extra software.

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AfterLogic Support
AfterLogic Support

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Posted: 26 October 2022 at 10:40am | IP Logged Quote Igor

Thank you for your message.

If you believe other users would benefit from such a feature, feel free to post a feature request at:

We use that resource when developing product's roadmap, so if the feature gets a good number of votes, there's a better chance of it getting implemented.

Igor, Afterlogic Support
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