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MailBee.NET AntiSpam

 AfterLogic Forum : MailBee.NET AntiSpam
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Joined: 19 May 2009
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Posted: 19 May 2009 at 3:28am | IP Logged Quote chintan

i am using ScoreMessage() method to Check Spam.
I get 50% as Score for any message. And looks like score depends on filter.TrainFilter() Mothod.

Does anybody already have sample emails for spam and NonSpam mails ?
So i can train It.

i think MailBee itself should provide some sample mails inbuilt.I guess that feature will take time.

Otherwise i'l have to waste most of my time in searching for spam mails and generating .eml files and saving it to database instead of focusing on actual development.

looking forward for spam.dat and NonSpam.dat
thank in advance.

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Joined: 19 May 2009
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Posted: 19 May 2009 at 3:35am | IP Logged Quote chintan

i am using ScoreMessage() method to Check Spam before sending mail out to SMTP server.
I get 50% as Score for any message. And looks like score depends on filter.TrainFilter() Mothod.

Does anybody already have sample emails for spam and NonSpam mails ?
So i can train It.

i think MailBee itself should provide some sample mails inbuilt.I guess that feature will take time.

Otherwise i'l have to waste most of my time in searching for spam mails and generating .eml files and saving it to database instead of focusing on actual development.

looking forward for spam.dat and NonSpam.dat
thank in advance.

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AfterLogic Support
AfterLogic Support

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Posted: 19 May 2009 at 3:44am | IP Logged Quote Igor

50% value means that antispam filter was not trained enough. You should provide at least 100 messages for both spam and non-spam database to achieve decent spam detection. It's recommended to use messages you actually get to your mail account.

Most probably, our spam databases would be useless to you as they are created for specific content in specific languages according to our own preferences what is spam and what is not. There's a high chance for you to treat as spam exactly the same messages which are not spam for us, and you may be disappointed with spam detection quality shown with ready-to-use spam database. That's why we don't ship any spam databases with the product.

Igor, AfterLogic Support
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