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MailBee Message Queue

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Posted: 07 October 2008 at 2:29am | IP Logged Quote tparvais


I run Hmailserver as SMTP/POP3/IMap4 server. I have a website and newsletter to be sent to 10.000 subscribers.

I use Hmailserver distribution list but this does not work very well as Hmailserver does not manage queuing: it sends emails to distribution list as fast as possible. And thus, many rejects because I'm considered as spammer by some SMTP server (too many connection in short timeframe).

I found "Mailbee Message queue" that can maybe solve may issue and help me to throtle the way I'm sending my newsletter. Is it the right solution ? I will develp an ASP page, querying my DB for recipients and sending email to the Mailbee queue. Mailbee will use hmailserver as SMTP server.

Is it possible ? How message queue can manage to avoid to be considered as spammer ?

Please notice that my newsletter is a opt-in newsletter..

Thank you for your support
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Posted: 07 October 2008 at 4:26am | IP Logged Quote Igor

MailBee Message Queue allows sending mail messages which are queued by saving as .eml files to a certain directory.

You can limit number of messages allowed for sending per second and/or per session that would prevent treating you as a spammer.

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Posted: 07 October 2008 at 5:04am | IP Logged Quote tparvais

OK thank you. This means I have to proceed like this:

-install Mailbee Message queue service
-develop ASP script to generate the newsletter, from DB query & MMQ componant to EML file (pickup directory)
-Activate IIS6 SMTP service on dedicated port (i.e. 2000) and configure it to pickup outgoing mails and forward them to my Hmailserver SMTP (Port 25)

IS that right ?
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Posted: 07 October 2008 at 5:58am | IP Logged Quote Igor

There is no need to organize IIS6 SMTP service. MailBee Message Queue would forward mail messages from the pickup folder to your Hmailserver SMTP.

To place messages to the pickup folder, you may use MailBee SMTP Component (for classic ASP, SendToQueue method) or MailBee.NET SMTP Component (for ASP.NET, Smtp.SubmitToPickupFolder method).

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Posted: 07 October 2008 at 11:43am | IP Logged Quote tparvais

So I can avoid to use IIS6 SMTP service if I use Mailbee SMTP component ?

The is that I've already installed Jmail... Is this compatible with MMQ ?

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Posted: 08 October 2008 at 12:01am | IP Logged Quote Andrew

So I can avoid to use IIS6 SMTP service if I use Mailbee SMTP component ?

You need MailBee SMTP Component to submit messages to MMQ. MMQ is equal to IIS SMTP in regard to organizing a queue, but additionally is able to limit sending throughput.

Sending through a queue can be organized as follows:

- your app -> MailBee SMTP -> MMQ -> replay SMTP server -> recipient's SMTP server
- your app -> MailBee SMTP -> IIS SMTP -> replay SMTP server -> recipient's SMTP server

As you can see, the scenarios are similar, but the second one doesn't limit the throughput.

The is that I've already installed Jmail... Is this compatible with MMQ ?

We've never used Jmail and have no idea if it's compatible with MMQ. If Jmail is compatible with queuing through IIS SMTP, most probably, it's compatible with MMQ.

Best regards,
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